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Sunday, July 19, 2020

Free Quiz Certificate | Analog Communication | Get Certificate Within 2 Minutes

Free Quiz Certificate | Analog Communication | Get Certificate Within 2 Minutes

1. PCM is the type of analog modulation 

 Answer : False


2. RJ45 connector is used for LAN 

Answer : True


3. A signal having frequency 1KHz is used modulate the carrier signal with frequency 1MHz and amplitude twice of the signal. The modulated signal will be 

Answer: Under modulated


4. The HLR has information of 

Answer : Local subscriber


5. frequency modulation is 

Answer : Changing the frequency of the carrier with respect to the amplitude of information signal


6. The bandwidth of the AM signal is 

Answer : 2Fm


7. The telephone traffic has ___ Distribution 

Answer : Poisson


8. Which of the following is not a pulse modulation 

Answer : PCM


9. For a signal 4*sin*1540t, the minimum sampling frequency required will be 

Answer : 490.19Hz


10. What is modulation 

Answer : Shifting the information signal to the carrier frequency


11. Which of the following devices is used to generate AM waves? 

Answer : Square-law modulator


12. For getting 100% modulation, carrier amplitude should ________ 

Answer : be equal to signal amplitude


13. The biggest disadvantage of PCM is— 

Answer : The large bandwidths that are required for it


14. Indicate which of the following pulse modulation systems is analog? 

Answer : PWM


15. The modulation system inherently most noise-resistant is— 

Answer : Pulse-code modulation

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