Current Recruitment 2023 | mahajobs | Vartaman Bharti | नोकरी

Friday, July 3, 2020

Coursera Offers Free Certificates for 150 Courses

Coursera Offers Free Certificates for 150 Courses

Here is the Full List.
    1. Building a Calculator using C# in Visual Studio
    2. Custom Prediction Routine on Google AI Platform
    3. Intro to Scheduling with When I Work
    4. Object-Oriented Programming with Java
    5. Web Application Security Testing with OWASP ZAP
    6. Gmail: The Foundation To Accessing Google Apps
    7. Use Mailchimp to Build an E-mail Marketing Campaign
    8. Build a Deep Learning Based Image Classifier with R
    9. User Experience Design – Creating User Profiles
    10. Basic Image Classification with TensorFlow
    11. Create Your First Python Program
    12. Build a Persistent Storage App in Android Studio
    13. RESTful API with HTTP and JavaScript
    14. Predict Diabetes with a Random Forest using R
    15. Predict Housing Prices in R on Boston Housing Data
    16. Building Digital Media using Graphic Design in Google Slides
    17. Build a Linear Layout App in Android Studio
    18. Beginning SQL Server
    19. Using Effcient Sorting Algorithms in Java to Arrange Tax Data
    20. Generate Synthetic Images with DCGANs in Keras
    21. Dimensionality Reduction using an Autoencoder in Python
    22. Introduction to Project Management
    23. Building a Text-Based Bank in Java
    24. Build Data Analysis and Transformation Skills in R using DPLYR
    25. Improve Business Performance with Google Forms
    26. Compare Stock Returns with Google Sheets
    27. Build a Simple App in Android Studio with Java
    28. Create Employee Management System with When I Work
    29. Anomaly Detection in Time Series Data with Keras
    30. Portfolio Optimization using Markowitz Model
    31. Building Basic Relational Databases in SQL Server Management Studio
    32. Predict Future Product Prices Using Facebook Prophet
    33. Computer Vision – Object Tracking with OpenCV and Python
    34. Client Booking & Scheduling with Picktime
    35. Hierarchical Clustering: Customer Segmentation
    36. Use WordPress to Create a Blog for your Business
    37. Build a Data Science Web App with Streamlit and Python
    38. Develop a Company Website with Wix
    39. Create Relational Database Table Using SQLiteStudio
    40. Create a Resume and Cover Letter with Google Docs
    41. Image Compression and Generation using Variational Autoencoders in Python
    42. Build Your Portfolio Website with HTML and CSS
    43. Build a Relative Layout App in Android Studio
    44. Applying Data Structures to Manipulate Cleansed UN Data
    45. Practical Introduction to the Command Line
    46. Predict Gas Guzzlers using a Neural Net Model on the MPG Data Set
    47. Create Interactive Dashboards with Streamlit and Python
    48. Analyzing Company’s Performance using Ratios
    49. Neural Network Visualizer Web App with Python
    50. User Experience Responsive Hero in XD for Beginners
    51. Retrieve Data using Single-Table SQL Queries
    52. Build a Full Website using WordPress
    53. Build a Machine Learning Web App with Streamlit and Python
    54. Retrieve Data from Multiple-Table SQL Queries
    55. Generando modelos con Auto Machine Learning
    56. Web Application Security Testing with Burp Suite
    57. Hiring and Onboarding Employees with ClickUp
    58. Use Canva to Create Social Media Marketing Designs
    59. Using Shiny to Plot Differential Gene Expression
    60. Create and Format a Basic Document with LibreOffice Writer
    61. Introduction to Google Docs
    62. Introduction to Project Management with ClickUp
    63. Compose and Program Music in Python using Earsketch
    64. Computer Vision: Neural Transfer Style & Green Screen Effect
    65. Create Your First Chatbot with Rasa and Python
    66. Building Custom Regional Reports with Google Analytics
    67. Create a Business Marketing Brand Kit Using Canva
    68. Introducción a los algoritmos de regresión
    69. Support Vector Machine Classification in Python
    70. Sentiment Analysis with Deep Learning using BERT
    71. Support Vector Machine Classification in Python
    72. University Admission Prediction Using Multiple Linear Regression
    73. Advanced Features with Relational Database Tables Using SQLiteStudio
    74. Predict Ideal Diamonds over Good Diamonds using a Random Forest using R
    75. Create Informative Presentations with Google Slides
    76. Intro to Time Series Analysis in R
    77. Create Infographics using Piktochart
    78. Statistical Data Visualization with Seaborn
    79. Predictive Modelling with Azure Machine Learning Studio
    80. Image Classification with CNNs using Keras
    81. Classification with Transfer Learning in Keras
    82. Exploratory Data Analysis with Seaborn
    83. Regression with Automatic Differentiation in TensorFlow
    84. Analyze Box Office Data with Seaborn and Python
    85. Analyze Box Office Data with Plotly and Python
    86. Logistic Regression with Python and Numpy
    87. Deep Learning Inference with Azure ML Studio
    88. Perform Sentiment Analysis with scikit-learn
    89. Machine Learning Pipelines with Azure ML Studio
    90. Build Random Forests in R with Azure ML Studio
    91. Neural Network from Scratch in TensorFlow
    92. Create Custom Layers in Keras
    93. Deploy Models with TensorFlow Serving and Flask
    94. Evaluate Machine Learning Models with Yellowbrick
    95. Predict Employee Turnover with scikit-learn
    96. Visual Machine Learning with Yellowbrick
    97. Predicting House Prices with Regression using TensorFlow
    98. Predict Sales Revenue with scikit-learn
    99. Build Data Analysis tools using R and DPLYR
    100. Image Compression with K-Means Clustering
    101. Basic Sentiment Analysis with TensorFlow
    102. Visualizing Citibike Trips with Tableau
    103. Neural Style Transfer with TensorFlow
    104. Simple Recurrent Neural Network with Keras
    105. Image Noise Reduction with Auto-encoders using TensorFlow
    106. Avoid Overfitting Using Regularization in TensorFlow
    107. Save, Load and Export Models with Keras
    108. Perform Feature Analysis with Yellowbrick
    109. Regression Analysis with Yellowbrick
    110. Data Visualization with Plotly Express
    111. Analyze Text Data with Yellowbrick
    112. Creating Custom Callbacks in Keras
    113. Linear Regression with NumPy and Python
    114. Multiple Linear Regression with scikit-learn
    115. Image Data Augmentation with Keras
    116. Video Basics with OpenCV and Python
    117. Semantic Segmentation with Amazon Sagemaker
    118. Object Detection with Amazon Sagemaker
    119. Build an E-commerce Dashboard with Figma
    120. Introduction to Relational Database and SQL
    121. Create Customer Support Data with Google Sheets
    122. Using TensorFlow with Amazon Sagemaker
    123. Linear Regression with Python
    124. Business Operations Support in Google Sheets
    125. Named Entity Recognition using LSTMs with Keras
    126. Build Multilayer Perceptron Models with Keras
    127. Image Denoising Using AutoEncoders in Keras and Python
    128. Create Online Employee Onboarding Course with Eduflow
    129. Clustering Geolocation Data Intelligently in Python
    130. Image Super Resolution Using Autoencoders in Keras
    131. Traffic Sign Classification Using Deep Learning in Python/Keras
    132. Computer Vision – Object Detection with OpenCV and Python
    133. Computer Vision – Image Basics with OpenCV and Python
    134. Support Vector Machines with scikit-learn
    135. Siamese Network with Triplet Loss in Keras
    136. Support Vector Machines in Python, From Start to Finish
    137. Classification Trees in Python, From Start To Finish
    138. Facial Expression Recognition with Keras
    139. Spreadsheets for Beginners using Google Sheets
    140. Predicting Salaries with Simple Linear Regression in R
    141. Perform Real-Time Object Detection with YOLOv3
    142. Understanding Deepfakes with Keras
    143. Principal Component Analysis with NumPy
    144. Graphing with ggplot2
    145. Logistic Regression with NumPy and Python
    146. Classify Radio Signals from Space using Keras
    147. Building Candlestick Charts with Google Sheets
    148. Image Classification with Amazon Sagemaker
    149. Language Classification with Naive Bayes in Python
    150. Create Technical Stock Charts Using R and Quantmod


if you have any doubt please let me know