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Thursday, August 27, 2020

National Level E-Quiz On Economics | Get Certificate | Free Certificate With in 2 Min

National Level E-Quiz On Economics -2020


Question : The terms micro and macro were first coined by 

Answer : c) Ragnarfrisch


Question : The law of diminishing marginal utility is propounded by 

Answer : c) H.H.Gossen


Question : Selling costs are very important under 

Answer : c) Monopolistic competition


Question : No Transportation Costs in 

Answer : c) Perfect competition


Question : Lender of last resort 

Answer : a) R.B.I


Question : A.T.M 

Answer : b) Automated Teller Machine


Question : Standard of living of the people represented by 

Answer : c) Percapita Income


Question : Liquidity Preference Theory of Interest 

Answer : c) J.M.KEYNES


Question : Demand pull Inflation is also called as 

Answer : b) Excess Demand Inflation


Question : Macro Economics was developed by 

Answer : c) J.M.KEYNES


Question : More people depend on Agriculture, than what is actually required is called 

Answer : b) Disguised Unemployment


Question : The average number of persons living per square kilometre is Called ? 

Answer : c) Density of population


Question : Large scale Migration of Educated,Trained and Skilled persons to Developed Countries is called 

Answer : c) Brain Drain


Question : Liberalization Policy had commenced in India from 

Answer : b) 1991


Question : The loans given by the Governament to the Farmers during Natural calamities is known as 

Answer : c) Takkavi


Question : Rolling Plan was introduced by ? 

Answer : c) Gunnar Myrdhal


Question : Plan Holiday

Answer : b) 1966 – 69


Question : NABARD 

Answer : b) 1982


Question : Regional Rural Banks 

Answer : c) 1975


Question : MICRO Economics is called as 

Answer : b) Price Theory


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