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Wednesday, August 5, 2020

National Level Free Certificate | English Literature | Get Certificate Within 2 Minutes

National Level Free Certificate | English Literature | Get Certificate Within 2 Minutes

National level online Quiz- Part – I

 English Literature

Question : Tweedledum and Tweedledee are two characters of which Children’s book? 

Answer : Alice in Wonderland

Question : Who is the author of The Origin Of Species? 

Answer : Charles Darwin

Question : The abbreviated form of which book is NEB? 

Answer : New English Bible

Question : Who invented the character, Robinson Crusoe? 

Answer : Daniel Defoe

Question : Shakespeare’s four greatest tragedies are Macbeth, Othello, Hamlet and __________? 

Answer : King Lear 

Question : Identify the following Person. 

Answer : Paulo Coelho 


Question : Name the mega-selling writer who has written “Deception Point”? 

Answer : Dan Brown 

Question : "Cut like Wound" is written by ------? 

Answer : Anita Nair 

Question : What is the meaning of the phrase ‘Mein Kampf’ in Hitler’s autobiography of the same name? 

Answer : My Struggle

Question : By what name was Shakespeare’s mother known before her marriage? 

Answer : Mary Arden 

Question : In which Charles Dickens’ novel we find the characters Bently Drummle, Joe Gargary, and Herbert Pocket? 

Answer : Great Expectations

Question : Mention the exact number of sonnets written by William Shakespeare? 

Answer : 154

Question : Name the only play written by Shakespeare in which there is no song 

Answer : The Comedy Of Errors

Question : Mr. Freeze’ is the arch-enemy of a famous superhero of a comic book. What is the name of that superhero? 

Answer : Batman

Question : In Which Book of the Holy Bible did the death of Moses take place? 

Answer : Exodus


Question : Identify the following author...... 

Answer : J.k. Rowling

Question : “Bird of Paradise” is a book written by a renowned psychiatrist. What is the name of him? 

Answer : R.D. Laing 

Question : The ‘Almagest’ is a book written by a Greek Astronomer. What is the name of him? 

Answer : Ptolemy  

Question : Who is the author of the classic masterpiece “Anna Karenina”? 

Answer : Leo Tolstoy

Question : Which novel of William Peter Blatty written in 1971? It has been adopted in which epic Horror Film? 

Answer : The Exorcist


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