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Sunday, August 9, 2020

National level Quiz Competition in view of World Nature Conservation Day

National level Quiz Competition in view of World Nature Conservation Day


Question : 1 Inexhaustible Resource is 

Answer : C Forest


Question : 2 Expand IUCN 

Answer : B International Union for Conservation of Nature


Question : 3 Chipko movement started in the year

Answer : B 1973


Question : 4 Bioremediation 

Answer : A The Use of living organisms to degrade environmental pollution


Question : 5 A species that have high likelihood of going extinct in the near future is 

Answer : D Endangered


Question : 6 Fact about National Waste land Development Board -NWDB 

Answer : D All the above


Question : 7 The following is an example for In-situ Conservation 

Answer : A National Park


Question : 8 The following pollutants are responsible for Acid rains 

Answer : C A and B


Question : 9 Key indicators of sewage pollution 

Answer : D All the above


Question : 10 The head quarters of IUCN is located at 

Answer : A Switzerland


Question : 11 Which 0f the following forest is serving habitat of the Asian Lion- 

Answer : A Gir Forest National park


Question : 12 Expand WHO 

Answer : C World Health Organization


Question : 13 IUCN established the " Red list of Threatened Species " in the year 

Answer : A 1964


Question : 14 The following is a Conventional Energy Source 

Answer : D All the above


Question : 15 The objectives formulated by UNESCO on Environmental Education are 

Answer : D All the above


Question : 16 IUCN is Constructed with the following number of Commissions 

Answer : B 6


Question : 17 World Nature Conservation Day is celebrated on 

Answer : A July 28


Question : 18 Expand WWF 

Answer : C World Wide Fund For Nature


Question : 19 Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve is located at 

Answer : C Western Ghats


Question : 20 IUCN - World Conservation Congress 2020 will be held at 

Answer : D Marseille

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