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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

National Quiz on INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY QUIZ | Get Certificate | Free Certificate With in 2 Min


National Quiz on INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY QUIZ | Get Certificate | Free Certificate 

With in 2 Min

Question : 1. When first International Yoga Day was observed in India? 

Answer : B. 21 June 2015

Question : 2. Who is known as Father of Yoga? 

Answer : B. Shiva

Question : 3. Which Veda mentions about the elements of yoga? 

Answer : B. Rig Veda

Question : 4. What is the theme of 6th International Day of Yoga 2020? 

Answer : D. Yoga for Health- Yoga at Home.

Question : 5. Celebration of International Yoga in India is done by which ministry? 

Answer : A. Ministry of Ayush

Question : 6. Which is known as the Yoga capital of the world? 

Answer : B. Rishikesh

Question : 7. How many different Asanas do Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation comprise of? 

Answer : A. 12

Question : 8. Yoga has eight components, also known as the eightfold path of life — Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Dhyana, Samadhi are five of them. Which are the other three? 

Answer : D. Yama, Dharana, Pratyahara

Question : 9. The word “Yoga” comes from Sanskrit. What is the literal meaning of this word? 

Answer : C. Joining together (Union)

Question : 10. Patanjali's famous definition of Yoga is, " Yogas Chitta vritti nirodhah ". What does it mean? 

Answer : D. Yoga is the removal of fluctuations of the mind.

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