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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

National Level Online Quiz on STATISTICS | Get Certificate | Free Certificate With in 2 Min

National Level Online Quiz on STATISTICS


Question : 1. Which of the following is not based on all the Observations?

Answer : None of the Above


Question : 2. What is the name given to data which are measured on a continuous scale with zero as neutral? 

Answer : Ratio Data


Question : 3. If the value of any regression coefficient is zero, then two variables are:

Answer : Independent 


Question : 4. Mode and mean of a data are 12k and 15k. Median of the data is  

Answer : 14k


Question : 5. Read the following two Statements- 1)Proper use of Statistics is only possible through Experts 2)Statistics does not include quantitative phenomenon.Which of the above statements is/are correct? 

Answer : Neither 1 nor 2


Question : 6. A process by which we estimate the value of dependent variable on the basis of one or more independent variables is called: 

Answer : Regression


Question : 7. If P(A|B)=3/4 and P(B|A)=2/5, what is the Ratio of P(A):P(B)? 

Answer : 15:8


Question : 8. Who is the father of modern statistics? 

Answer : Sir Ronald Fisher


Question : 9. Variance of the first 11 natural numbers is: 

Answer : 10


Question : 10. In which year CR Rao Advanced Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science has been Established? 

Answer : 2007


Question : 11. For a random variable X, E(X) is 

Answer : Arithmetic Mean (AM)


Question : 12. A listing of the possible outcomes of an experiment and their corresponding probability is called 

Answer : Contingency table


Question : 13. A Person receives 2,2,4 and 4 telephone calls on a randomly selected days. Assuming that the telephone calls follow Poisson Distribution, the estimate of the number of telephone calls in 8 days is 

Answer : 3


Question : 14. The value of the coefficient of correlation lies between 

Answer : -1 to 1

Question : 15. If mean, median, and mode are all equal then distribution will be 

Answer : Negative Skewed


Question : 16. The mean of a distribution is 14 and the standard deviation is 5. What is the value of the Coefficient of Variation? 

Answer : 35.7%


Question : 17. If we reject the null hypothesis, we might be making 

Answer : Type-I Error


Question : 18. Where is "Prof. C.R. Rao Road" Located? 

Answer : Hyderabad


Question : 19. The regression coefficient is independent of the change of 

Answer : Origin Only


Question : 20. The number of independent events that occur in a fixed time interval will follow 

Answer : Poisson Distribution


Question : 21. Cumulative frequency curve is also called 

Answer : Ogive


Question : 22. Mode is the value of the variable which has: 

Answer : Middle Most Frequency


Question : 23. If A and B are two independent events with P(A)=0.8 and P(B)=0.7, What is the value of P(AUB)? 

Answer : 0.94


Question : 24. World Statistics Day is Celebrated on 

Answer : 24 October


Question : 25. If the standard deviation of a set of data is 1.6, then the variance is 

Answer : 2.56

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