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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Microbiology Quiz | Get certificate With in 2 Min | free

Microbiology Quiz

Microbiology Quiz | Get certificate With in 2 Min | free

Question : According to Pasteur statements which one of the following is true 

Answer : Living organisms discriminate between stereoisomers


Question : Who demonstrated that open tubes of broth remained free of bacteria when air was free of dust. 

Answer : John Tyndall


Question : “I found floating therin earthly particles, some green streaks, spirally wound serpent-wise, and orderly arranged, the whole circumstance of each of these streaks was abut the thickness of a hair on one’s head”…. These words are of 

Answer : Leeuwenhoek


Question : Who provide the evidence that bacteriophage nucleic acid but not protein enters the host cell during infection 

Answer : Alfred D.Hershey & Martha Chase in 1952


Question : Bacterial transformation was discovered by 

Answer : Griffith


Question : Father of microbiology is 

Answer : A.V. Leeuwenhock


Question : The antiseptic method was first demonstrated by 

Answer : Lord Lister


Question : Compound microscope was discovered by 

Answer : Johnsen & Hans


Question : Father of Medical Microbiology is 

Answer : Koch 

Question : Who found that the dye Trypan Red was active against the trypanosome that causes African sleeping sickness 

Answer : Paul Ehrlich


Question : Who get the credit for the discovery of this first ‘wonder drug’ penicillin ? 

Answer : Alexander Fleming


Question : Who received the noble prize in 1952 for his discovery of Streptomycin ? 

Answer : Waksman


Question : Which two French scientists showed that the compound Prontosil was broken down within the body of the animal to sulfanilamide 

Answer : Jacques and Therese Trefonel


Question : Who proposed Germ Theory of Disease ? 

Answer : Louis Pasteur


Question : Mother of Microbiology 

Answer : Fanny Hesse


Question : Hybridoma technique was first discovered by 

Answer : Kohler and Milstein


Question : Lederberg and Tatum (1946) described the phenomena of 

Answer : Conjunction


Question : Hanging drop method for motility study was first introduced by 

Answer : Leeuwenhock


Question : Who suggested that each disease was caused by a separate agent. 

Answer : Fracastorius of Verona


Question : The term microbe was first used by 

Answer : Sedillot (1878)


Question : Who viewed that air was the source of microbes and sought to prove this by passing air through hot glass tubes or strong chemicals into boiled infusions in flasks. 

Answer : Schulze (1815-1873) and Theodor Schwan (1810-1882)


Question : Who suggested that mild heating at 62.8°C (145°F) for 30 minutes rather than boiling was enough to destroy the undesirable organisms by pasteurization ? 

Answer : Louis Pasteur


Question : Who first of all isolated anthrax bacillus ? 

Answer : Robert Koch


Question : Who first proposed the use of agar in culture media ? 

Answer : Fanne Eilshemius Hesse


Question : Who proposed the phagocytic theory of immunity in 1883 ? 

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