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Saturday, December 26, 2020

National Level Online Quiz On National Mathematics Day | Get Certificate With in 2 Min | Free

National Mathematics Day

National Level "Mathematical E-Quiz Competition" on the Occasion of "National Mathematics Day".

National Mathematics Day

Question : The number 1729 is popularly known as ? 

Answer : Ramanujan Number

Question : Who invented logarithms?

Answer : John Napier

Question : Who is called the mathematician’s mathematician? 

Answer : Arthur Cayley

Question : If a + b = 0, then the largest value of a x b is? 

Answer : 0

Question : Who is known as the Prince of Indian Mathematics? 

Answer : Srinivasa Ramanujan

Question : Who coined the word ‘Million’ ? 

Answer : Marco Polo

Question : Who built the first electronic calculating machine? 

Answer : John V. Atanasoff

Question : Where did the magic square originate? 

Answer : China

Question : Which Indian mathematician first framed the rules of operation with zero? 

Answer : Brahmagupta

Question : “As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as Answer : far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality”. Who said it? 

Albert Einstein

Question : 19. Who is the first Indian to become the president of International Astronomical Union? 

Answer : M K Vainu Bappu

Question : Which mathematician spent more than a decade of his last days as a blind man ? 

Answer : Leonard Euler

Question : “Five out of four people have trouble with fractions”. Who said it? 

Answer : Steven Wright

Question : How many thousands are there in one crore ?
Answer : 10000

 Question : “The essence of mathematics resides in its freedom”. Who said it? 

Answer : Georg Cantor

Question : A clock takes 6 seconds to strike 4 O’ clock. Then how much time it will take to strike 8 O’ clock? 

Answer : 14 seconds

Question : “Mathematics is all well and good, but Nature keeps dragging us around by the nose”. Who said it? 

Answer : Albert Einstein

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