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Monday, December 28, 2020

National Level Online Quiz On Production Engineering | Get Certificate With in 2 Min | Free

Online Quiz on Production Engineering

Online Quiz on Production Engineering


Question : 1. The purpose of chaplets is 

Answer : To support the cores


Question : 2. The chief advantage of die casting is 

Answer : High production rates are possible


Question : 3. In sand moulding, the bottom most part of the flask is called: 

Answer : Drag


Question : 4. Which of the following is not a casting process? 

Answer : Extrusion


Question : 5. Surfaces to be machined are marked on the pattern by the following colour: 

Answer : Red


Question : 6. Hot tears are the result of which of the following? 

Answer : Restraint of contraction


Question : 7. Permeability is poor for 

Answer : Fine grains


Question : 8. Metal patterns are used for 

Answer : Large scale production of castings


Question : 9. Keeping the surface area constant, if the volume of a casting is double by changing its design, the solidification time is expected to increase by a factor of 

Answer : 4


Question : 10. An important factor to be taken into account while designing a core print is 

Answer : Moulding sand characteristics


Question : 11. Plain and butt welds may be used on materials upto approximately: 

Answer : 25 mm thick



Question : 12. The phenomenon of weld decay occurs in: 

Answer : Stainless steel


Question : 13. Which of the following is an example of semi-automate welding process? 

Answer : MIG welding


Question : 14. Thermit welding differs from other methods of welding in that 

Answer : It employs exothermic chemical reaction for developing high temperature


Question : 15. Electrode used in TIG is 

Answer : Tungsten


Question : 16. Reaming is the operation of: 

Answer : Sizing and finishing a hole


Question : 17. For which machines, are very large speed range required? 

Answer : Grinding


Question : 18. Which part of the cutting tool is prone to crater wear? 

Answer : Face


Question : 19. When turning Mild steel, if the area of cross section of the cut remain constant, the cutting force will be minimum if depth of cut is 

Answer : Half the feed per revolution


Question : 20. In a straight turning operation, if the depth of cut is doubled, then uncut chip thickness will 

Answer : get double


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