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Sunday, January 10, 2021

National Level Online Quiz On Library And Information Science


National Level Quiz  On  Library And Information Science

"Quiz  On  Library And Information Science"


Question : NICNET and INDONET are the networks of which category? 

Answer : WAN


Question : In which of the following the term “Truncation” is used: 

Answer : Search Formulation


Question : Identify the odd one from the following: 

Answer : Koha


Question : Which of the following is not a Web 2.0 tool: 

Answer : UGC-INFONET 2.0


Question : Which of the following is an example of micro blogging: 

Answer : Twitter


Question : In Which five year plan the INFLIBNET was established? 

Answer : Seventh five year plan


Question : Resource sharing is a part of: 

Answer : Library cooperation


Question : Which one of the following is a full text e-Resource? 

Answer : ACS


Question : Which one of the following is e-Bibliographic database? 

Answer : ISID


Question : Which of the following is a journal of Library and Information Science? 

Answer : Inter lending and Document supply


Question : The Electronic Library is ...................... 

Answer : A Journal Name


Question : Identify the author of “Essays of an Information Scientist” from among the following: 

Answer : Eugene Garfield


Question : Who has coined the term “Information Society” from the following? 

Answer : Fritz Machlup


Question : Dance’s Helical Spiral Communication model is a ........... model. 

Answer : Non-Linear


Question : What was the theme of IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2017? 

Answer : Libraries. Solidarity. Society.


Question : Which of the following is a collaborative network of Reference Librarians? 

Answer : Question Point


Question : Resource Description and Access (RDA) is divided into how many sections? 

Answer : 10


Question : p, q, r in the schema of operators in PRECIS belongs to: 

Answer : Dependent elements


Question : According to APA Style Manual, a section at the end of a paper that includes information that is too detailed for the text of the paper itself and would “burden the reader” or be “distracting” or “in appropriate” is called: 

Answer : Appendix


Question : Who coined the word “Management theory jungle”? 

Answer : Harold Koontz


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