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Thursday, June 17, 2021

International Level E-Quiz On Bioinformatics | FREE QUIZ CERTIFICATE WITHIN 1 MINUTES

International Level E-Quiz On Bioinformatics

The first bioinformatics database was created by 

  1. Richard Durbin
  2. Dayhoff
  3. Michael j.Dunn
  4. Pearson

Answer : Dayhoff


SWISSPROT protein sequence database began

  1. 1985
  2. 1986
  3. 1987
  4. 1988

Answer : 1987


Which of the following is an example of Homology and similarity tool

  1. BLAST
  2. RasMol

Answer: BLAST


The human genome contains approximately__________. 

  1. 6 billion base pairs
  2. 5 billion base pairs
  3. 3 billion base pairs
  4. 4 billion base pairs

Answer : 3 billion base pairs


What is the deposition of cDNA into the inert structure called? 

  1. DNA probes
  2. DNA polymerase
  3. DNA microarrays
  4. DNA fingerprinting

Answer : DNA microarrays


Which of the following compounds has desirable properties to become a drug? 

  1. Fit drug
  2. Lead
  3. Fit compound
  4. All of the above

Answer : Lead


Proteomics refers to the study of __________. 

  1. Set of proteins in a specific region of the cell
  2. Biomolecules
  3. Set of proteins
  4. The entire set of expressed proteins in the cell

Answer : The entire set of expressed proteins in the cell


Which of the following are not the application of bioinformatics? 

  1. Drug designing
  2. Data storage and management
  3. Understand the relationships between organisms
  4. None of the above

Answer : None of the above


Which of the following is the first completed and published gene sequence? 

  1. ΦX174
  2. T4 phage
  3. M13 phage
  4. Lambda phage

Answer: ΦX174


The computer simulation refers to __________. 

  1. Dry lab
  2. Invitro
  3. In silico
  4. Wet lab

Answer : In silico


The computational methodology that tries to find the best matching between two molecules, a receptor and ligand are called __________. 

  1. Molecular fitting
  2. Molecular matching
  3. Molecular docking
  4. Molecule affinity checking

Answer : Molecular docking


The laboratory work using computers and computer-generated models generally offline is referred to as __________. 

  1. Insilico
  2. Wet lab
  3. Dry lab
  4. All of the above

Answer : Dry lab


The term Bioinformatics was coined by __________. 

  1. J.D Watson
  2. Pauline Hogeweg
  3. Margaret Dayhoff
  4. Frederic Sanger

Answer : Pauline Hogeweg


The term “invitro” is the Latin word which refers to__________. 

  1. Within the lab
  2. Within the glass
  3. Outside the lab
  4. Outside the glass

Answer : Within the glass


The process of finding the relative location of genes on a chromosome is called __________. 

  1. Gene tracking
  2. Genome walking
  3. Genome mapping
  4. Chromosome walking

Answer : Genome mapping


Proteomics refers to the study of __________. 

  1. Set of proteins in a specific region of the cell
  2. Biomolecules
  3. Set of proteins
  4. The entire set of expressed proteins in the cell

Answer : The entire set of expressed proteins in the cell


The identification of drugs through the genomic study is called__________. 

  1. Genomics
  2. Pharmacogenomics
  3. Pharmacogenetics
  4. Cheminformatics

Answer : Pharmacogenomics


The first molecular biology server expasy was in the year __________. 

  1. 1992
  2. 1993
  3. 1994
  4. 1995

Answer : 1993


The application of SCFGs to RNA secondary structure analysis is very similar in form to the probabilistic covariance models. 

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: True


Through a single scoring matrix, evaluation of all the different possible configurations is done.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer : False

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