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Tuesday, June 29, 2021




1 . Span of controls means that 

A. A manager can supervise only a limited number of subordinates

B. An organization consists of various departments

C. Each person's authority is clearly defined

D. Every subordinate has one superior

 Answer: A. A manager can supervise only a limited number of subordinates


2 . Overall and strategic planning is done by the 

A. Top management

B. Middle level management

C. Supervisory level management

D. None of these

 Answer: A. Top management


3 . If a general manager asks the sales manager to recruit some salesman on his behalf, it is an instance of 

A. Division of authority

B. Delegation of authority

C. Delegation of responsibility

D. Decentralisation of authority

 Answer: B. Delegation of authority


4 . Which one of the following orders indicates the correct logical order of managerial functions? 

A. Planning, Organising, Staffing,Directing, Control and Coordination

B. Organising, Planning, Staffing,Directing, Control and Coordination

C. Planning, Directing, Organising, Staffing, Control and Coordination

D. Organising, Planning, Directing, Staffing, Coordination and Control

 Answer: A. Planning, Organising, Staffing,Directing, Control and Coordination


5 . Which of the following skills is equally important at all levels of management? 

A. Technical skill

B. Human relation skill

C. Conceptual skill

D. All of the above

 Answer: B. Human relation skill


6 . MBO is a technique which requires that the objectives of the enterprise 

A. Be written and defined in broad terms

B. Be defined in terms of measurable results

C. Include a plan of action for achieving the desired result

D. Lay down the time period for achieving the desired results

 Answer: B. Be defined in terms of measurable results


7. Who is the father of scientific management? 

Henry Fayol


Elton mayo

None of the above

Answer:  F.W.Taylor


8. 14 principles of modern management was proposed by 


Henry Fayol

Elton mayo

None of the above

 Answer: Henry Fayol


9. Each subordinate should have only one superior whose command he has to obey. This is known as 

A. Division of work

B. Exception principle

C. Unity of Command principle

D. Authority - responsibility principle

 Answer: C. Unity of Command principle


10 . Which of the following is true with respect to planning function? 

A. To tell the work allocation to all

B. To make a blue print of ideas and work

C. Monitoring whether the things allocated are done properly

D. None of the above

 Answer: B. To make a blue print of ideas and work


11. Which one of the following is the oldest form of organization? 

A. Departmentation

B. Staff organization

C. Functional organization

D. Line and Staff organization

 Answer: B. Staff organization


12 . In line and staff organisation, the authority lies in 

A. Line

B. Both line and staff

C. Staff

D. None of the above

 Answer: A. Line


13. TQM's major emphasis is on 

A. Product quality

B. Customer delight

C. Employee training

D. Company profitability

 Answer: A. Product quality


14. Organisation Theory deals with 

A. Industrial relations

B. Incentives and wage policy

C. Structure of an organisation

D. Forms of business organisation

 Answer: C. Structure of an organisation


15. The main advantage of functional organisation is 

A. Simplicity

B. Expert advice

C. Experience

D. Specialisation

 Answer: D. Specialisation


16. Which of the following is a method that can be used to overcome the tendency toward conformity in group decision-making? 

A. Brain storming

B. Group thinking

C. Electronic meetings

D. Nominal group technique

 Answer: A. Brain storming


17. Which of the following functions is known as the essence of management? 

A. Control

B. Organising

C. Co-ordinating

D. Planning

 Answer: C. Co-ordinating


18. When management pays attention to more important areas and when the day to day routine problems are looked after by lower level management, it is known as? 

A. Critical path method

B. Participative Management

C. Management by Exception

D. Management by objectives

 Answer: C. Management by Exception


19. Decentralisation of an organization is commanded on account of which of the following advantages? 

A. Executive development

B. Improvement of morale

C. Reduced burden on top executives

D. All of the above

 Answer: D. All of the above


20. In line and staff organisation the staff performs the function of 

A. Advising the management

B. Assigning responsibility

C. Management

D. None of the above

Answer: A. Advising the management

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