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Sunday, June 27, 2021

Mechanical Engineering Online Quiz Competition


Mechanical Engineering Online Quiz Competition


1) The diesel engines are also known as __________ engines. 

Compression Ignition

Spark Ignition

Saab Direct Ignition


Answer: Compression Ignition


2) Which of the following is a scalar quantity? 





Answer: Speed


3) A cycle consisting of one constant pressure, one constant volume and two isentropic processes is known as _______________ 

Carnot cycle

Stirling cycle

Otto cycle

Diesel cycle

Answer: Diesel cycle


4) An adiabatic process is one in which ______________________ 

no heat enters or leaves the gas

the temperature of the gas changes

the change in internal energy is equal to the mechanical workdone

All the above

Answer: All the above


5) The ratio of total useful heat drop to the total isentropic heat drop, is called _____________ 

Stage efficiency

Internal efficiency

Rankine efficiency

None of these

Answer: Internal efficiency


6) The maximum temperature in a gas turbine is _____________ 





Answer: 700°C


7) The toughness of a material __________ when it is heated. 



does not change

remains same

Answer: decreases


8) Which of the following material has maximum ductility? 

Mild steel




Answer: Mild steel


9) Reheating in a gas turbine 

increases the thermal efficiency

increases the compressor work

increases the turbine work

decreases the thermal efficiency

Answer: increases the thermal efficiency


10) Cast iron is a _____________ 

Ductile material

Malleable material

Brittle material

Tough material

Answer: Brittle material


11) In a Kaplan turbine runner, the number of blades are generally between ____________ 

2 to 4

4 to 8

8 to 16

16 to 24

Answer: 4 to 8


12) In a refrigerating machine, heat rejected is __________ heat absorbed. 

equal to

less than

greater than

remains same as

Answer: greater than


13) Which of the following is the lightest and most volatile liquid fuel? 



Fuel oil

None of the above

Answer: Gasoline


14) The point, through which the whole weight of the body acts, irrespective of its position, is known as _____________ 

moment of inertia

centre of gravity

centre of percussion

centre of mass

Answer: centre of gravity

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