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Tuesday, June 22, 2021

National Level E-Quiz on interesting facts about YOGA


QUIZ on interesting facts about YOGA 

The word “yoga” is derived from a Sanskrit word meaning 





Answer: Union


Who is considered as the first Yogi? 

Maharshi Patanjali

Gautama Buddha

Agastya Muni


Answer: Shiva


Adiyogi poured his profound yogic knowledge into the legendary Saptarishis or "seven sages". Where did this teaching happened? 

On the banks of the Kaveri River at Kumbakonam

Varanasi, on the banks of river Ganga

On the banks of Kanti Sarovar, near Kedarnath

Mahadev temple located on bank of River Sabarmati

Answer: On the banks of Kanti Sarovar, near Kedarnath


Ashtanga Yoga has eight components, also known as the eight fold path of life — Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Dhyana, Samadhi are five of them. Which are the other three? 

Yama, Dharana, Pratyahara

Savichar, Santosa, Tapas

Asteya, Aparigraha, Brahmacharya

Ananda, Asmita, Aachaar

 Answer:  Yama, Dharana, Pratyahara


Yogi Gorakhnath, the legendary saint was the influential founder of the Nath Hindu monastic movement in India (c. 1300 CE). Which part of yoga did he propagate? 

Hatha Yoga

Ashtang Yoga

Sahaja Yoga

Artistic Yoga

 Answer:  Hatha Yoga


The Yoga Sutras (Aphorisms on Yoga) are an ancient, foundational text of Yoga. Who wrote them? 

Agastya Muni



Gautama Buddha

 Answer: Patanjali


What is one word that occurs in every chapter of the Gita? 





 Answer: Yoga


What is the key feature of Yoga practice? 


Only maintaining posture

Only breathing in and out during practice

Normal breathing

 Answer:  Self-realization


According to Bhagwad Gita the main forms of Yoga are? 

Karma, Jnana, Bhakti

Laya, Hatha, Raja

Mantra, Tantra, Yantra

None of the above

 Answer:  Karma, Jnana, Bhakti


The figure on the Pashupati seal - the most well-known seal of the Mohenjo-daro - is seated in a difficult yoga asana called





Answer:  Mulabandhasana


Which grass is specifically recommended by Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita as part of the ideal seat for meditation?

Sabai Grass

Darbha / Kusha Grass

Sisal Grass

Hogla / Elephant grass

Answer: Darbha / Kusha Grass


Surya Namaskar is considered to be a complete exercise for the body and has often been cited as a combination of Asanas that helps in stretching almost all the major muscles. How many different Asanas does Surya Namaskar comprise of?





Answer:  12


What is the Best Yoga Mat to Use?

A Raw Silk Yoga Mat

Rubber Yoga Mat

A Cotton Yoga Mat

Darbha Grass Yoga Mat

Answer: Darbha Grass Yoga Mat

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