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Sunday, June 6, 2021

National Level Online Quiz on IMoT Agri Forum's WED Awareness Quiz

IMoT Agri Forum's WED Awareness Quiz

IMoT Agri Forum's WED Awareness Quiz

Which of the following are indicators of Climate Change? 

Increase in temperature

Sea level rise

Ocean acidification

All the above

Answer : All the above


Which country is hosting World Environment Day 2020 in partnership with Germany? 





Answer : Colombia


Which of the following ways you could fight climate change? 

Eat food that is local and in season

Correctly manage waste through recycling/reuse, etc

Take a look at the labels on your appliances.

All the above

Answer : All the above


Bharat Stage VI is related to 

Waste water treatment stages by Reverse osmosis (RO).

Emission standards of air pollution mainly by motor vehicles.

School students involved in climate change actions.

India's steps to control air traffic.

Answer : Emission standards of air pollution mainly by motor vehicles.


Star labeling by BEE (Bureau of energy efficiency) is not mandatory for which of the following appliances? 

Ceiling fan

Color Television

Tubular Florescent Lamp

Room Air Conditioners

Answer : Ceiling fan




In these areas, year-round waterlogged conditions slow the process of plant decomposition to such an extent that dead plants accumulate. These are also the largest natural terrestrial carbon store. Identify this valuable ecosystem 

Evergreen Forest




Answer : Peatlands


Mangrove forest are found in all coastal states of India 



Answer :True


These are physically formed by brown macroalgae. It provides an unique habitat for marine organisms. Identify it 

Coral reefs

Kelp forests


Rain forests

Answer : Kelp forests


Which of the following is not part of Blue Carbon ecosystem? 

Salt Marshes

Sea grasses


Algal blooms

Answer : Algal blooms


Identify the location 

Shola forest

North Eastern Himalayan Forest

Tropical Grassland

Alphine forest

Answer : Shola forest




This forest in Madhya Pradesh is depicted in The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling is based on jungles including this reserve. It is also the first tiger reserve in India to officially introduce a mascot, Bhoorsingh the Barasingha (a swamp deer). Identify the Reserve 

Bandhipur Tiger Reserve

Kanha Tiger Reserve

Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve

Kaziranga National Park

Answer : Kanha Tiger Reserve


A large bird with a horizontal body and long bare legs, giving it an ostrich like appearance, this bird is among the heaviest of the flying birds. These critically endangered birds are often found associated in the same habitat as blackbuck. It's mascot was fondly named as 'Gibi' recently. 

Sarus crane

Eurasian Spoonbill

Indian Peafowl

Great Indian Bustard

Answer : Great Indian Bustard


Most trafficked wildlife species in world. It is a toothless animal. India is home to two of its species. Protected under Schedule I part I of WPA, 1972 and Appendix I of CITES. Recently, Madhya Pradesh forest department radiotagged this for first time inorder to know its ecology and develop effective conservation. Identify the animal. 




Giant anteater

Answer : Pangolin


In ecology, Gregariousness is the tendency of animals to form social groups to hunt or eat together. This phenomenon can be related to which of the following? 

Recent Locust attacks in Western India

Presence of Algal blooms in water bodies

Presence of fruit flies over fruits

Communication among Honey bees to find nectar

Answer : Recent Locust attacks in Western India


You have to find the correct name of the region by using the following clues. Note the letters are misplaced in the options. Clue 1 : Anacondas; Clue 2 : "Lungs of the world"; Clue 3 : Second Longest river; Clue 4 : Largest Forest Fire occurred in 2019 





Answer : OAMNAZ


if you have any doubt please let me know