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Monday, June 21, 2021

Online Quiz Competition On Mechanical Engineering



Which one of the following is the unit of mass density? 

a) kg/m3

b) kg/m2

c) kg.m

d) kg/ms

Answer:  a) kg/m3


The specific gravity of a liquid has 

the same unit as that of mass density

the same unit as that of weight density

the same unit as that of specific volume

NO unit

Answer:  NO unit


Centrifugal pump is a_________ 


Flow regulating device

Drafting device

Intercooling device

Answer:  Turbomachinery


Turbomachines work under ________ 

Newtons first law

Newtons second law

Newtons third law

Kepler’s law

Answer:  Newtons second law


The literature of heat transfer generally recognizes distinct modes of heat transfer. How many modes are there? 

a) One

b) Two

c) Three

d) Four

Answer:  c) Three


Unit of the rate of heat transfer is 





Answer:  Watt


The calorific value of gaseous fuels is expressed in terms of ___________ 





Answer:  Kcal/m3


Indicated power of a 4-stroke engine is equal to ___________ 





Answer:  pLAN/2


1 Pascal = 1 _____ 


b) N/m3

c) N/m2

d) N/mm3

Answer:  c) N/m2


1 Bar = ______ 

a)1×105 N/m2

b) 1×109 N/m2

c) 1×105 N/mm2

d) 1×106 N/m2

Answer:  a)1×105 N/m2


The tool life is said to be over if _______________. 

Poor surface finish is obtained

There is sudden increase in power consumption

Overheating due to heat of friction starts

All of the above

Answer:  All of the above


Cutting fluids are used to ____________. 

Cool the tool

Improve surface finish of the job

Cool the work piece

All of these

Answer:  All of these


In hole basis system, basic size is equal to ______________. 

a)maximum hole size

b) minimum hole size

c) upper deviation which is zero

d) none of the above

Answer:  a)maximum hole size


The overall width of a part is dimensioned as 3.00 ± 0.02. The upper limit and tolerance of the part are ______________. 

a) 3.02, 0.05

b) 3.02, 0.04

c) 3.03, 0.04

d) 3.03, 0.06

Answer:  a) 3.02, 0.05


While choosing a car, which of the product features is not considered by the customers? 




Passenger capacity

Answer:  Passenger capacity


In gears, distance between the points of contact of two mating teeth from the beginning of engagement to the end of engagement is known as ______________. 

a)Arc of contact

b)Path of contact

c)Path of approach


Answer:  b)Path of contact


Which of these is not a speed control circuit in hydraulics system? 

a)Meter in


c)Meter out

d)Bleed off

Answer:  a)Meter in


Which of these is not an advantage of CNC machine? 

a)Reduced machining time

b)Reduced operators

c)Higher initial cost

d)Higher production

Answer:  a)Reduced machining time


The property of a material by which it can be beaten or rolled into thin sheets is called __________________. 





Answer:  d)Malleability


Low pressure, fast speed, noise and compact system are features of ______________ system. 




d)None of them

Answer:  a)Hydraulics


The product from blast furnace is called 

a)Pig Iron

b)Cast Iron

c)Wrought Iron


Answer:  a)Pig Iron


Which is closest to the purest form of the iron? 

a)Wrought Iron

b)Cast Iron

c)Pig Iron


Answer:  a)Wrought Iron


Cold working of steel is defined as working 

a)At its recrystallisation temperature

b)Above its recrystallisation temperature

c)Below its recrystallisation temperature

d)At two thirds of the melting temperature of the metal

Answer:  c)Below its recrystallisation temperature


Stainless steel is so called because of its ______. 

a)High corrosion resistance

b)High strength

c)High ductility


Answer:  a)High corrosion resistance


Which among the following is a type of destructive test? 

a)Cupping test

b)Magnetic particle test

c)Dye penetrant

d)All of the above

Answer:  d)All of the above


What is meant by malleability? 

a)Metals undergo plastic deformation under compressive stresses

b)Metals can be drawn into wires

c)Both a. and b.

d)None of the above

Answer:  c)Both a. and b.


What is meant by ductility? 

a)Metals undergo plastic deformation under tensile loads

b)Metals can be drawn into sheets

c)Metals undergo elastic deformation under tensile loads

d)All of the above

Answer:  d)All of the above


In investment casting process which of the following is used for pattern making? 

a)Molten wax



d)Plaster of Paris

Answer:  a)Molten wax


How does pattern vary in size with casting? 

a)Pattern is larger in size

b)Casting is larger in size

c)Both have same size

d)None of these.

Answer:  a)Pattern is larger in size


When the molten metal is put into the mold, what is that temperature called? 

a)Pouring temperature

b)Melting temperature

c)Room temperature

d)Vapourising temperature

Answer:  b)Melting temperature

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