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Saturday, June 26, 2021

Online Quiz Competition On International Yoga Day


Online Quiz Competition On International Yoga Day

Which day is celebrated as 'International Day of Yoga'? 

June 20

June 21

June 22

June 23

Answer: June 21


Who compiled 'Yoga Sutra'? 




None of the above

Answer: Patanjali


When did the UN General Assembly announce 21st June as the International Yoga Day? 

21st June 2014

11th Dec 2014

12th Dec 2014

11th June 2014

Answer: 11th Dec 2014


Every Yoga teacher must start the practice session with 





Answer: Asana


Who compiled ‘Hathayoga pradipika’? 




None of the above

Answer: Swatmarama


Yoga has eight components, also known as the eightfold path of life — Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Dhyana, Samadhi are five of them. Which are the other three? 

Savichar, Santosa, Tapas

Asteya, Aparigraha, Brahmacharya

Ananda, Asmita, Aachaar

Yama, Dharana, Pratyahara

Answer: Yama, Dharana, Pratyahara


The word “Yoga” comes for Sanskrit. What is the literal meaning of this word? 

Hindu system of philosophy & meditation

Inner peace & tranquility

Joining together

Controlled breathing

Answer: Joining together


Yoga has many practitioners in the West and several Hollywood celebrities such as Adam Levine and Julia Roberts have endorsed it. Indra Devi is credited with introducing Yoga to the West. Which country did she belong to? 





Answer: Russian


Which is the Sanskrit root (verb form) for the etymological derivation of the word “Yoga”? 





Answer: Yuj


Over time, many new postures have been added to the original compendium of Asanas that yoga started with to incorporate modern day fitness requirements. How many classic Asanas were enlisted in the initial texts? 





 Answer: 84


In the popular TV series Friends, one of the main characters is seen talking to Mr. Treeger, the superintendent of Monica’s building, about attending Yoga classes. Which character is this? 





 Answer: Ross


Now to some yoga-related fun questions! Recently, a photo of the very hot, very happening Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau doing Mayurasana went viral. Around 40 years back another world leader struck a similar pose, alas there was no social media he could go viral on. Who was he? 

Richard Nixon

Pierre Trudeau

Harold Wilson

Georges Pompidou

Answer: Pierre Trudeau


What is the main therapeutic benefit of Kapālabhati practice? 

to remove kapha disorders

to remove pitta disorders

to remove vāta disorders

to remove vāta-pitta disorders

 Answer: to remove kapha disorders


The benefits of Suryabhedan Prānāyāma according to Hatha Pardeepika are – I. Purifies the frontal sinus. 2. Destroyes Worm 3. Balances the Vayus 4. Removes hunger and thirst 

1 & 2 are correct.

3 & 4 are correct.

2 & 3 are correct.

1& 4 are correct.

 Answer: 1 & 2 are correct.


Yoga in Patanjali Yoga Sutra is defined as 

Yujyate anena iti yoga

Yogah chitta vritti nirodhah

Manah prasamana upayah yogah

Yogah karmasu kausalam

Answer: Yogah chitta vritti nirodhah


In 2021, which International Day of Yoga was celebrated? 





Answer: 7


What is the theme of International Day of Yoga 2021? 

Yoga for Health-Yoga at Home

Yoga for Health

Yoga for Wellness

Yoga is Life

Answer: Yoga for Wellness


Which of the following statement is/are correct about Yoga? 

Yoga is practiced since ancient India. It is a physical, mental and spiritual practice.

The 'yoga' word is derived from Sanskrit.

Yoga means to join or unite, represent the union of body and consciousness or alertness.

All the above are correct

Answer: All the above are correct


Name the title of the book released on 17th June’15 that has been complied by Dr. Imran Chaudhary and Abhijeet Singh published by Muslim Rashtriya Manch? 

Yoga and Islam

Islamic Yoga

Yoga for All

Karma Yoga

Answer: Yoga and Islam


How many 'Adh-aras' are described in 'Siddha Siddhant Paddhati' under 'Pinda Vichar'? 





Answer: 16


Which one of the following is not proved effect of Meditation? 

Decrease Stress

Normalize Blood Pressure

Normalize Blood Sugar

Increase Cortisol

Answer: Increase Cortisol


Which of the following Pranayama can be done while moving, standing, sitting, walking according to Hathayoga pradipika? 





Answer: Ujjayi


Suryanamaskar is a well-devised combination of …………………………and breathing. 





Answer: Asana


First International Day of Yoga would be celebrated at the historic National Mall in Washington featuring yoga demonstrations by experts and Indian dance &music on ______________. 

21st June 2015

21st June 2014

21st June 2016

30th June 2014

 Answer: 21st June 2015


How many records have been set by International Yoga day celebrations at Rajpath in New Delhi? 

Two Guinness

One Guinness

Three Guinness

Four Guinness

 Answer: Two Guinness


The length of Vastra Dhauti according to Hatha Pradipika is. 

width equal five inches and length of seven meters

width equal seven inches and length of five meters

width equal seven inches and length of seven meters

width equal five inches and length of five meters

 Answer: width equal five inches and length of seven meters


What is the name of the video blogging contest jointly organized by the Ministry of AYUSH (MoA) and the Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) in 2020? 

My words and Yoga

Yoga is life

Yoga for well-being

My Life, My Yoga'

Answer: My Life, My Yoga'


An Indian youth organization entered the Limca Book of Records for simultaneously performing Yoga for the longest duration. Which organization was this? 




The Bharat Scouts and Guides

Answer: NCC


Pranayama is which part of Ashtanga Yoga? 





Answer: Fourth


Given below are two statements, an Assertion (A), and a Reason (R). Indicate your answer from the alternatives below: Assertion (A): The basic aim of Yoga is self-realization and ultimate liberation. Reason (R): The constant practice of eight steps of Yoga does not helps & control our body and mind, so as to reach the final goal of liberation. In the context of above two statements, which one of the following is correct? 

Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(A) is true, but (R) is false.

(A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (A) is true, but (R) is false.

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