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Saturday, June 26, 2021

Quiz on Electrical Network Theory-1


Quiz on Electrical Network Theory-1


1. Kirchhoff s current law states that 

net current flow at the junction is positive

Hebraic sum of the currents meeting at the junction is zero

no current can leave the junction without some current entering it.

total sum of currents meeting at the junction is zero

Answer: Hebraic sum of the currents meeting at the junction is zero


2. According to Kirchhoffs voltage law, the algebraic sum of all IR drops and e.m.fs. in any closed loop of a network is always 



determined by battery e.m.fs.


Answer: zero


3. Kirchhoffs current law is applicable to only 

junction in a network

closed loops in a network

electric circuits

electronic circuits

Answer: junction in a network


4. Kirchhoffs voltage law is related to 

junction currents

battery e.m.fs.

IR drops

both (b) and (c)

Answer: both (b) and (c)


5. Superposition theorem can be applied only to circuits having 

resistive elements

passive elements

non-linear elements

linear bilateral elements

Answer: linear bilateral elements


6. The concept on which Superposition theorem is based is 





Answer: linearity


7. Thevenin resistance Rth is found 

by removing voltage sources along with their internal resistances

by short-circuiting the given two terminals

between any two ‘open’ terminals

between same open terminals as for Vth

Answer: between same open terminals as for Vth


8. An ideal voltage source should have 

large value of e.m.f.

small value of e.m.f.

zero source resistance

infinite source resistance

Answer: zero source resistance


9. For a voltage source 

terminal voltage is always lower than source e.m.f.

terminal voltage cannot be higher than source e.m.f.

the source e.m.f. and terminal voltage are equal

None of these

Answer: terminal voltage cannot be higher than source e.m.f.


10. To determine the polarity of the voltage drop across a resistor, it is necessary to know 

value of current through the resistor

direction of current through the resistor

value of resistor

e.m.fs. in the circuit

Answer: direction of current through the resistor


11. “Maximum power output is obtained from a network when the load resistance is equal to the output resistance of the network as seen from the terminals of the load”. The above statement is associated with 

Millman’s theorem

Thevenin’s theorem

Superposition theorem

Maximum power transfer theorem

Answer: Maximum power transfer theorem


12. “Any number of current sources in parallel may be replaced by a single current source whose current is the algebraic sum of individual source currents and source resistance is the parallel combination of individual source resistances”. The statement is associated with 

Thevenin’s theorem

Millman’s theorem

Maximum power transfer theorem

None of the above

Answer: Millman’s theorem


13. “In any linear bilateral network, if a source of e.m.f. E in any branch produces a current I in any other branch, then same e.m.f. acting in the second branch would produce the same current / in the first branch”. The statement is associated with 

compensation theorem

superposition theorem

reciprocity theorem

none of the above

Answer: reciprocity theorem


14. Which of the following is non-linear circuit parameter ? 



Wire wound resistor


Answer: Inductance


15. A capacitor is generally a 

bilateral and active component

active, passive, linear and nonlinear component

linear and bilateral component

non-linear and active component

Answer: linear and bilateral component


16. “In any network containing more than one sources of e.m.f. the current in any branch is the algebraic sum of a number of individual fictitious currents (the number being equal to the number of sources of e.m.f.), each of which is due to separate action of each source of e.m.f., taken in order, when the remaining sources of e.m.f. are replaced by conductors, the resistances of which are equal to the internal resistances of the respective sources”. The statement is associated with 

Thevenin’s theorem

Norton’s theorem

Superposition theorem

None of the above

Answer: Superposition theorem


17. Kirchhoff s law is applicable to 

passive networks only

a.c. circuits only

d.c. circuits only

both a.c. as well d.c. circuits

Answer: both a.c. as well d.c. circuits


18. Kirchhoff s law is not applicable to circuits with 

lumped parameters

passive elements

distributed parameters

non-linear resistances

Answer: distributed parameters


19. Kirchhoff s voltage law applies to circuits with 

nonlinear elements only

linear elements only

linear, non-linear, active and passive elements

linear, non-linear, active, passive, time varying as well

Answer: linear, non-linear, active, passive, time varying as well


20. For high efficiency of transfer of power, internal resistance of the source should be 

equal to the load resistance

less than the load resistance

more than the load resistance

none of the above

Answer: less than the load resistance

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