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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Free Certificate From NITI Aayog | Government of India | App Development Web Development

Free Certificate From NITI Aayog | Government of India | App Development Web Development


Quiz 1 - About Plezmo


Question: 1 What type of  programming platform is Plezmo?

Answer : Visual Block programming


Question: 2 Plezmo app is available on which platform?

Answer : All of the above


Question: 3 Plezmo app consists of-

Answer : All of the Above


Quiz 2 - Tour of Plezmo Application


Question: 1 App creation is a process  involving ?

Answer : All of the above


Question: 2 App screen consists of different app elements/components

Answer : True


Question: 3 Can we personalize an app element after we have created and used it ?

Answer : Yes


Question: 4 The top and left property are used for?

Answer : Positioning the element on canvas


Question: 5 Which property allows us to overlap app components one above the other ?

Answer : Z-index


Quiz 3 - Possibilities in Plezmo


Question: 1 Which of the following app components is used to display information ?

Answer : Label


Question: 2 Which of the following app components is used to take input from the user?

Answer : Textbox


Question: 3 Which of the following components cannot be used to trigger an event ?

Answer : Canvas


quiz 4

Question: 1 Which of the following app components is used to display titles and information on the app screen?

Answer : A label


Question: 2 Which app element is used to only display images on the app screen ?

Answer : Image


Question: 3 According to the rules, when will the player score a point?

Answer : By clicking on the strawberry Button


Question: 4 When does a player lose a life, according to the rules?

Answer : Both b and c


Question: 5 Which of the app components have we used to design the first app screen?

Answer : Both a and b


quiz 5


Question: 1 Which of the following is used to trigger an event when it is clicked ?

Answer : Button


Question: 2 Which property determines the horizontal distance of an app element on the app screen?

Answer : Left


Question: 3 Which property determines the vertical distance of an app element on the app screen?

Answer : Top


Question: 4 What is an app screen made up of ?

Answer : Pixels

Question: 5 Which property can be used to change the position of an app element on the app screen?

Answer : Top and Left


quiz 6


Question: 1 What do we use to store data temporarily in a program?

Answer : Variables


Question: 2 When should the value of the score variable be increased ?

Answer : when we click on the strawberry button


Question: 3 Which app element did we use in the background to trigger an event when clicked ?

Answer : Button


Question: 4 When should the value of the lives variable be decreased ?

Answer : When we click on the background button


Question: 5 What should happen when the value of the lives variable becomes 0 ?

Answer : All of the above


Quiz 7


Question: 1 Which programming construct is used when you want to repeat a certain pattern again and again?

Answer : Loops


Question: 2 Which programming construct is used to check if a certain condition is true/met?

Answer : Conditional Statements


Question: 3 Which loop structure is used to repeat a pattern finite number of times ?

Answer : Repeat <finite number> times block


Question: 4 Which loop structure is used to repeat a pattern infinite number of times ?

Answer : Forever block


Question: 5 What does the game in progress variable that we have used, store ?

Answer : State of the game


quiz 8

Question: 1 What do we use to check two conditions simultaneously?

Answer : Logical operators


Question: 2 A fire alarm is an analogy for which of the following?

Answer : Broadcast message


Question: 3 The conditions that a batsman should satisfy in order to get bowled out is an analogy for which of the following?

Answer : and operator


Question: 4 All the probability for a batsman to get out is the analogy for?

Answer : or operator


Question: 5 Which concepts are used to implement a timer ?

Answer : All of the above


Quiz 9


Question: 1 Which are the different methods to store data in a program?

Answer : All of the above


Question: 2 Storing  data in a variable can be compared with which of the following.

Answer : Gym Locker


Question: 3 Which command is used to hide the label ?

Answer : Hide<Label_name>


Question: 4 The mail box we have in our emails uses which form of storage mechanism?

Answer : Cloud data


Question: 5 Which app component is used to take an input?

Answer : Textbox


quiz 10


Question: 1 What needs to be done in order to create an android app ?

Answer : All of the above


Question: 2 Android apps can be downloaded and installed only in an android phone

Answer : True


Question: 3 Android app cannot be shared with others by sharing the apk file

Answer : False


Quiz 11

Question: 1 Which app component can be used to display text information on the app screen ?

Answer : Label


Question: 2 Moving from one screen is called Screen Navigation, which command did we use to do that?

Answer : Go to canvas appscreen1


Question: 3 Event that we can add to a button are

Answer : Click event


Question: 4 How many statements are correct for a button app control ?

Answer : All of the above


Question: 5 The first question in your survey allows you to give input in the form of :

Answer : We click appropriate button to select our profession


quiz 12


Question: 1 Data can be stored in computer’s memory-

Answer : Both A and B


Question: 2 Which of the following is not true for a variable ?

Answer : Variables retain values even if our program ends


Question: 3 What sort of memory storage does scoreboards in various games require?

Answer : Permanent


Question: 4 A locker at some sports club can be matched to variable while a bank locker can be matched to key value store

Answer : True


Question: 5 Plezmo stores data permanently as

Answer : Both A and B


Quiz 13


Question: 1 Data is collected by various organizations to

Answer : All of the above


Question: 2 Presenting data in a manner such that it is useful and easy to understand is called

Answer : Data Visualization


Question: 3 A graph element can display data in the form of?

Answer : All of the above


Question: 4 What does a graph command need?

Answer : All of the above


Question: 5 We are collecting data from different users for ?

Answer : Both A and B


Quiz 14


Question: 1 App control that can be used to input some data from user such as his age is

Answer : Textbox


Question: 2 “ If it rains then take the car to work else you can go by bicycle “ is an example of ?

Answer : If-then-Else condition


Question: 3 We can place one if condition inside the other if condition

Answer : True


Question: 4 We can combine multiple conditions using and ,or .what are  these operators called?

Answer : Logical operators.


Question: 5 What operator can be used here ?

If the batsman’s catch is caught properly   ——–    the stumps are hit,he is declared as OUT

Answer : or


Quiz 15


Question: 1 Webapps are like website that can be accessed using browser from anywhere

Answer : True

Question: 2 I can share webapps with my friends using-

Answer : The link I received when webapp was ready

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