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Sunday, September 13, 2020

International Quiz on Applications of Artificial Intelligence | Get Certificate With In 2 Min


International Quiz on Applications of Artificial Intelligence



Question : Which of the following is an application of AI? 

Answer : D. All of the above


Question : What are the main goals of AI? 

Answer : C. Both A and B


Question : Which of the following areas can contribute to building an intelligent system? 

Answer : D. All of the above


Question : In which university the first demonstration of the AI program run? 

Answer : A. Carnegie Mellon University.


Question : What is Artificial intelligence? 

Answer : C. Making a Machine intelligent


Question : A major thrust of AI is in the development of applications functions associated with human intelligence. 

Answer : A. TRUE


Question : Artificial Intelligence is a way of

Answer : D. All of the above


Question : Which of the following are comprised of AI? 

Answer : B. Deep Learning


Question : "Artificial Intelligence means to mimic a human. Hence, if a robot can move from one place to another like a human, then it comes under Artificial Intelligence." 

Answer : False


Question : Which domain study Artificial Included? 

Answer : D. All the above


Question : What are the roles in AI careers? 

Answer : D. All of the above


Question : How should knowledge be represented to be used for an Ai Technique? 

Answer : D. All of these


Question : A computer vision technique that relies on image templates is

Answer : D. robot vision


Question : Who is the “father” of artificial intelligence? 

Answer : B. John McCarthy


Question : What is the trend in software nowadays? 

Answer : A. to bring computer more & more closer to user


Question : What’s the main point of difference between human & machine intelligence? 

Answer : A. human perceive everything as a pattern while machine perceive it merely as data


Question : Which kind of planning consists of successive representations of different levels of a plan? 

Answer : A. hierarchical planning


Question : Which search algorithm finds solutions among all possible ones? 

Answer : C. Optismistic


Question : is the science that attempts to produce machines that display the same type of intelligence that humans do. 

Answer : D. Artificial intelligence


Question : An intelligent robot 

Answer : D. All of the above

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