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Thursday, June 24, 2021

National Level Online Quiz On The Basics of Computer Science


National Level Online Quiz On The Basics of Computer Science


HTML stands for? 

Hyper Text Markup Language

High Text Markup Language

Hyper Tabular Markup Language

None of these

Answer: Hyper Text Markup Language


which of the following tag is used to mark a beginning of paragraph ? 





 Answer: <P>


From which tag descriptive list starts ? 





 Answer: <DL>


Correct HTML tag for the largest heading is 





 Answer: <h1>


The attribute of <form> tag 



Both of the above

None of these

 Answer: Both of the above


Markup tags tell the web browser 

How to organize the page

How to display the page

How to display message box on page

None of these

 Answer: None of these


www is based on which model? 

Local server

Client server


None of these

 Answer: 3-tier


Web pages starts with which of the following tag? 





 Answer: <HTML>


Correct HTML to left align the content inside a table cell is 


<td raligh = "left" >

<td align = "left">

<td leftalign>

 Answer: <td align = "left">


How can you open a link in a new browser window? 

< a href = "url" target = "new">

<a href = "url" target= "_blank">

<a href = "url".new>

<a href = "url" target ="open">

Answer: <a href = "url" target= "_blank">

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