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Thursday, June 24, 2021

National Level Online Quiz On Psychology


National Level Online Quiz On Psychology


Psychology is a _________. 

A biological science

A social science

Answer: A social science


Psychology as a ‘Science of Mind’,defined by _________ school ofpsychology. 


Ancient Greek Philosophers

Answer: Ancient Greek Philosophers


In the year _________ the ScientificPsychology was first accepted. 



 Answer: 1879


Who is the father of Experimental Psychology. 

Wilhelm Wundt

E.B. Titchener

 Answer: Wilhelm Wundt


Psychology can be literally defined asthe _________ 

Science of behaviour

Science of soul

Answer: Science of soul


J.B. Watson, the founder and father ofbehaviouristic school of psychologydefined ‘Psychology’ as the science of_________. 



Answer: Behaviour


Who defined ‘Psychology’ as thescientific study of activities of organismin relation to its environment? 

Sigmund Freud

Wood worth

Answer: Wood worth


Rejecting the concept of “S-R”connectionism, further “S-O-R” conceptwas developed by _________. 


C.G. Jung

 Answer: Woodworth


Who defined “Psychology as the scienceof immediate experience with consciousness being the main subject matter”? 

E.B. Titchener

Wilhelm Wundt

 Answer: E.B. Titchener


Who is the founder and principalproponent of psychoanalysis _________. 

Sigmund Freud

E.B Titchener

Answer: Sigmund Freud


Who is the psychologist who constructedthe first intelligence test? 

William Mc Dougall

Alfred Binet

Answer: Alfred Binet


Anything which evokes a response in theOrganism is called. 



Answer: Stimulus


The method of ‘Field Observation’ isalways considered as _________. 



Answer: Objective


To study Abnormal Psychology means,to study mainly the nature of _________ 

Unconscious level of mind

Normality of mind

 Answer: Unconscious level of mind


Clinical Psychology deals with thepractical aspect of _________. 

Educational Psychology

Abnormal Psychology

Answer: Abnormal Psychology


Sigmund Freud is regarded as the fatherof _________ in psychology. 

Psychoanalytic school

Functionalistic schoo

 Answer: Psychoanalytic school


Science is invariably characterised by_________. 

Its theory

Its methodology

Answer: Its methodology


General psychology deals with _______. 

Fundamentals of all branches of psychology


Answer: Fundamentals of all branches of psychology


Industrial Psychology is _________. 

Theoretical Psychology

Applied Psychology

Answer: Theoretical Psychology


Developmental Psychology studies_________. 

Various stages of development of man

Answer: Various stages of development of man

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